
Testing this blog.

Let's see... James and I leave for Osaka in 11 days. I should be psyched; I should, rightfully, be flipping out and packing NOW in fear I might forget to bring something with me. Buuut I'm not; it's still not quite registered in my head yet.

Going to Japan is something I've wanted to do since I was in high school. Due to financial reasons, I wasn't able to go on the Italy or Greece trips back when I was taking Latin... it's no wonder I can hardly believe I'm going to be in Japan. But it's going to happen. And when I get there, James might have to hold me up to keep me from kissing the ground.

...just kidding.

I'm going to do some shopping on Saturday for things I might want or need in Osaka. Here's the list:

1.) Toothpaste. I've heard Japanese toothpaste is horrible. So I'll go get me some Aquafresh. One tube ought to do, but knowing my mom, I may get two.
2.) Shampoo/conditioner. I've also heard that Japanese shampoo is not all that ...good. I think it was Rich I heard this from, but I can't remember exactly. I love Suave and VO5 anyway.
3.) CLOTHES. I seemed to have outgrown and/or beaten up many of the things I've had since high school. I'll use some of my birthday money to get myself a few new outfits. :D
4.) Omiyage. Sourvenirs... in Japan, it's custom to give little gifts to people who help you out, invite you to their homes, etc. We 留学生 (ryuu gaku sei, study abroad students) were advised to get things related to where we come from, so... I'm gonna hit up either the nearest dollar store or Ocean State Job Lot and see if they've got any nifty keychains or magnets or anything. I'd go with maple candy, but that might be too much for omiyage. "Arigatou gozaimasu, now LET ME ROT YOUR TEETH OUT." ...yeah, no.

I think that ought to do it. Here are some things I want or have to do before I leave the country:

1.) Get a physical. I'm not happy about this one, but eh, it needs to be done.
2.) Visit my grandmother.
3.) Study all the Japanese I've learned some more.

And since I seem to like lists, here's one of things I'm bringing with me outside of necessities:

1.) Hair straightener and curler. I "can't live without" my hair straightener. The curler I can do without, but... it'll probably fit in with the luggage, so I'm bringing it.
2.) Tampons. Not gonna bring a life supply or anything, but supposedly these are difficult to find in Japan... so I think I'll bring a few, even though I have no problem with pads.
3.) One stuffed animal.
4.) Twilight, if I haven't finished it already.

I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get notebooks and all that in Japan without a problem. I want to pack as little as possible.